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发布日期:2025-01-07   作者:    浏览次数:
时间 2025年1月10日(周五)10:30 地点 邵逸夫科学馆501室



讲座题目:The resilience of group cohesion to economic inequality

内容摘要:Building on recent evidence that group cohesion is a powerful determinant of economic efficiency, we hypothesis income inequality exerts a negative force on efficiency by eroding cohesion, counter to the efficiency-equality trade-off traditionally assumed in economics. To test this, we employ a novel experimental design with extensive group interactions and a state-of-the-art technique to measure group cohesion. Our findings confirm that stronger group cohesion is indeed associated with more efficient interactions. Unexpectedly, however, we do not find that pay inequalities within groups hinder the formation of group cohesion. Moreover, cohesion is significantly strengthened by inequality between groups. These results suggest that interpersonal relationships display a surprising resilience to economic disparities, undermining a potential pathway through which inequality could harm efficiency.

专家简介:Tom Lane现为英国纽卡斯尔大学(Newcastle University)商学院经济学高级讲师。此前,他在2018年至2023年期间曾担任中国宁波诺丁汉大学的助理教授。于2017年获得诺丁汉大学的行为经济学博士学位,并在该校的世界领先的行为经济学研究中心CeDEx开展研究,并于20192023年间担任其中国分支的地方主任。目前仍然担任CeDEx中国的外部高级研究员。Tom Lane的主要研究领域为行为与实验经济学,兴趣涉及经济歧视、社会规范、信息经济学、不平等、幸福、政治经济学、文化和宗教对经济行为的影响,以及实验方法学等多个主题。研究成果已发表于American Economic ReviewEuropean Economic Review Journal of Economic Behavior and OrganizationJournal of Public Economics,和 Oxford Economic Papers等顶尖期刊。
