

发布日期:2024-04-11   作者:    浏览次数:






































Title:A Study on the Sustainability of Pension Insurance, Social Welfare and the Optimal Payment Rate of Pensions

Abstract:Based on the individual utility function and social welfare function, this paper calculates the optimal value of the contribution rate of China's pension individual account and pooling account, and calculates the sustainability of the pension when the contribution rate reaches the optimal value based on the actuarial model of pension revenue and expenditure balance, and evaluates the sustainability of the pension when the individual utility and social welfare remain unchanged. whether the sustainability of pension can be improved through the substitution relationship between individual account contribution rate and pooling account contribution rate. The results of this study show that the individual account payment rate and the pooling account payment rate of the current pension insurance system are lower than the optimal individual account payment rate and the pooling account payment rate of the welfare maximization; The optimal contribution rate of individual account and the optimal contribution rate of pooling account are less sensitive to population growth rate and more sensitive to capital output ratio; There is a substitution relationship between the contribution rate of the pooling account and the contribution rate of the individual account. A higher degree of pension sustainability can be achieved by reducing the contribution rate of the pooling account and increasing the contribution rate of the individual account.

Key Words:Pension Insurance;Optimal Payment ;Pension Sustainability



摘要:本文通过构建子代质量偏好视角下双向利他动机的三期代际交叠模型(OLG),运用“中国家庭金融调查”项目(CHFS) 2013~2019年四次调查所形成的面板数据,研究在三种不同养老保险制度背景下单位缴费比例变动对居民储蓄行为与家庭养老的影响,进行了相关的平衡增长均衡分析和实证检验,得出基本结论如下:(1)在部分积累制和现收现付制养老保险制度下,单位缴费比例与家庭储蓄率呈正相关关系,与代际净转移率呈负相关关系,但两种制度背景下的作用效果存在差异;(2)在基金制养老保险制度下,单位缴费比例与家庭储蓄率呈负相关关系,与代际净转移率呈正相关关系。基于此,本文在政策建议方面进行了探讨,我国在实行统账结合的部分积累制养老保险制度的背景下,可以通过进一步降低单位缴费比例,降低居民储蓄,缓解家庭养老压力,释放消费需求,刺激经济发展。

关键词: 养老保险制度;居民储蓄率;家庭养老

Title:The Pension System,Household Savings and Family Security--From the Perspective of Quality-preference on Offspring

Abstract:This paper constructs a three-period overlapping generations model with two-sided altruistic motivation from the perspective of quality-preference on offspring, and uses the China Household Finance Survey (CHFS) data from 2013 to2019 to examine how the changes in the contribution rate of the social pooling account affects household savings and intergenerational transfer of the three different pension system. We study this phenomenon by equilibrium analysis of theoretical modals in a balanced growth path and empirical tests. The basic conclusions are as follows: (1) The contribution rate of the social pooling account is positively correlated with the household savings rate, and negatively correlated with the net intergenerational transfer rate both on partially funded and pay-as-you-go pension system. However, there are some differences in the effectiveness of the two systems. (2) On full-funded pension system, the contribution rate of the social pooling account is negatively correlated with the household savings rate,and positively correlated with the net intergenerational transfer rate. Based on the above conclusions, this paper puts forward corresponding policy suggestions: Under the partially funded pension system with SP & IRA,the government should reduce the contribution rate of the social pooling account to lower household savings rate, alleviate the family pressures of intergenerational transfer,activate the consumption demands and promote economic development.

Key Words:The Pension System;Household Savings Rate;Family Security





Title:Local Government Debt, Government Transparency and Economic Growth Rate

Abstract:With ongoing economic shocks and surging uncertainty at the global level, governments have attempted to raise debt to cope with the economic downturn. However, there are no consistent findings on the impact of government debt on economic growth. Taking320Chinese prefecture-level cities as a sample, this paper assesses the impact of local government debt on economic growth in the context of the world's largest developing country. The empirical analysis indicates that in the short run, local government debt has a significant inhibition effect on economic growth, and it is primarily produced by raising government expenditure and discouraging corporate investment, therefore reducing the efficiency and potential of socioeconomic growth. However, this inhibitory nature would be weakened in an open and transparent political environment. This study seeks to objectively explain the short-term impact of local government debt on economic growth through empirical analysis, so as to alert the government to be cautious of the adverse effects of local government debt. In the face of high local government debt, an open and transparent political environment is an important safeguard to curb fiscal risks and improve fiscal sustainability.

Key Words:Local Government Debt;Economic Growth;Inhibition Effect;Transparency





Title:Comparative Study on Government Procurement Executive Agencies—Based on Evolutionary Game Analysis

Abstract:Whether government procurement projects are executed by for-profit bidding agencies or non-profit centralized procurement institutions has a significant impact on the realization of the functions of the government procurement system and the effectiveness of its implementation. It is an urgent question that needs to be answered in government procurement research. Based on the effective fulfillment of the procurement subject's responsibilities and the compliance level of the execution process by the purchaser, an evolutionary game model is constructed according to the current government procurement system to compare the evolutionary game results of centralized procurement institutions and bidding agency companies under different operating mechanisms. It is found that there is no ideal stable strategy combination for centralized procurement agencies in effectively fulfilling the procurement subject's responsibilities, while there is an ideal stable strategy combination for bidding agency companies. In terms of compliance during the execution process, centralized procurement agencies have an ideal combination of stable strategies, while bidding agency companies do not have an ideal combination of stable strategies. Centralized procurement agencies are more conducive to the compliance of the government procurement execution process than bidding agency companies, while bidding agency companies are more conducive to the purchaser fulfilling the procurement subject responsibility than centralized procurement agencies. Based on this, a suggestion is proposed: under the existing government procurement execution agency, while giving purchasers the power to choose execution agencies, it is also necessary to consider the applicability of centralized procurement agencies and bidding agency companies for government procurement projects, in order to achieve more ideal institutional implementation effects.

Key Words:Government Procurement ;Organizational Structure;Evolutionary Game ;Comparative Analysis





Title:Enterprise Digital Transformation,Institutional Environment and Equity Financing Costs

Abstract: Under the background of digital economy,digital transformation drives all-round reform of enterprises. Can this further reduce the cost of equity financing? To this end, taking the A-share listed enterprises in Shanghai and Shenzhen from2007 to 2020 as samples,this paper empirically tests the impact of enterprise digital transformation on equity financing cost,transmission mechanism, and boundary conditions. It is found that the digital transformation of enterprises significantly reduces the cost of equity financing, and this effect is more significant in non-high-tech enterprises and mature enterprises. Mechanism analysis shows that enterprise digital transformation reduces equity financing cost by improving innovation efficiency and enhancing development potential,improving financial stability,and reducing bankruptcy risk, alleviating information asymmetry, and strengthening external supervision. Furthermore, the driving effect of enterprise digital transformation cannot be played without the support of external institutional environment. A good institutional environment will strengthen the effect of digital transformation on equity financing costs. This paper not only enriches the literature on the economic consequences of firms' digital transformation,but also provides important insights for microeconomic agents to promote digital transformation and move toward high-quality development.

Key Words:Digital Transformation;Institutional Environment;Equity Financing Costs;Mediating Effect





Title:Human Capital Outflow,Patent Protection and Technological Innovation--Empirical Test Based on Technical Field Level

Abstract:This paper uses unbalanced panel data of 84 countries from 1999 to2017 to study the impact of human capital transnational flow on the technological innovation in the Outflow countries at the technical field level, and the moderating effect of the patent protection. The results show that emigration is harmful to the technological innovation in the sending countries, but the enhanced patent protection in the sending countries can alleviate this negative effect, and even make a net positive effect on the technological innovation. The effect differs in different technical fields and different types of countries. The enhanced patent protection can promote the technological innovation in the sending countries by attracting the return of emigrants and the foreign talents’ inflow. Furthermore, we find that emigration and the patent protection have failed to promote its technical comparative advantage in the sending countries. The conclusions of this paper have certain implications for the formulation of China's talent policy and technological innovation policy.

Key Words:Transnational Flow of Human Capital ;Patent Protection;Technological Innovation ;Technical Comparative Advantage





Title:The Psychological Poverty Alleviation Effect of National Common Language Proficiency and the Mechanism

Abstract:In recent years, the policy of poverty alleviation through mandarin Chinese promotion in China has achieved remarkable economic results. However, with the elimination of absolute poverty, the problem of psychological poverty is becoming increasingly prominent. The “Rural Revitalization Strategy (2018-2022)” issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council mentioned that “eliminating psychological poverty” is an important goal for the party and the country to consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation and promote rural revitalization in the new era for the first time. As an important carrier of information transmission and a tool of daily communication, what impact will the popularization of the national common language have on psychological poverty, and what mechanism is it achieved through? This paper uses the data of the 2017China General Social Survey to empirically test the psychological poverty alleviation effect of Mandarin from two dimensions, aspiration and behavior, and its mechanism. The study found that mandarin proficiency is significantly associated with psychological poverty. First, in the two dimensions of “aspiration” and “behavior", the regression coefficients of all equations are negative and significant, which means that Mandarin has an inhibitory effect on the occurrence of psychological poverty. Second, both the ability of listening and speaking have more inhibitory effect on “behavior” than on “aspiration”. Third,there is considerable heterogeneity in the psychological poverty alleviation effects of mandarin proficiency. The effect is more pronounced for rural, minority and non-northem dialect populations. Fourth, the mechanism analysis shows that Mandarin can reduce psychological poverty by improving people's socioeconomic status.

To a certain extent, this paper broadens the analytical dimension of language poverty alleviation and enhance the explanatory power of promoting mandarin to alleviate poverty, which can provide certain theoretical guidance and practical significance for the future language poverty alleviation.

Key Words:Mandarin Proficiency;Poverty Alleviation;Psychological Poverty





Title:Research on the Effects of Poverty Alleviation in the Promotion of Standard Mandarin in Border Ethnic Regions

Abstract:Theoretical and empirical research by scholars from both domestic and international contexts suggests that language serves both as a practical tool and a cultural asset. Increasing the promotion and dissemination of Mandarin is beneficial for enhancing the effectiveness of poverty governance. This study conducted a questionnaire survey in the border regions of Guangxi and carried out quantitative empirical research based on the survey data. It analyzed the influence of residents’ proficiency in Mandarin in border areas on the governance of spiritual poverty. The results indicate that improving the Mandarin proficiency of border residents can reduce individual spiritual poverty. Furthermore, the effectiveness of spiritual poverty governance varies with multilingual abilities, gender, and educational levels. Those who are proficient in multiple languages, male, and have a college or higher education level are better at reducing their own spiritual poverty. Border areas should focus on increasing the accessibility and quality of Mandarin promotion,enhancing multilingual abilities among people of various ethnic backgrounds, and strengthening the Mandarin proficiency of males, young people, and residents with higher education levels. This will help consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation, reduce vulnerability to poverty, and effectively integrate poverty alleviation with rural revitalization efforts.

Key Words:Border Ethnic Regions;Promotion of Standard Mandarin;Spiritual Poverty





Title:On Property Rights of Language Data from the Perspective of Intellectual Property

Abstract:The establishment of National Data Administration is an important part of the construction of data-related fundamental institutions. As an essential part of data, the property regime construction of language data needs to be emphasized. Language data is the important spiritual product of human beings, and the legal system of intellectual property rights can be applied to define property rights. This paper focuses on the property rights research of language structure data and discourse data based on the Copyright Law and the Trademark Law of People's Republic of China. As two important parts of language structure data, literal data and lexical data can be used for nominating commodities and institutions, which can be called Name Data. This kind of data becomes Trademark Data after inscription. Discourse data can be used for Works Data. The property rights of Name Data and Works Data except Folk Literature and Art and Official can be defined by Copyright Law, while the Trademark Data's property rights can be defined by Trademark Law.

Key Words:Language Data;Property;Right Copyright Law;Trademark Law



摘要:个体选择与群体选择之间的争议由来已久,而此二者间的“冲突”被认为体现在哈耶克的方法论个人主义与自发秩序理论中,这种“矛盾”又体现为所谓“哈耶克(Friedrich August von Hayek)奇异三角”(文化演化、观念竞争、作为政治权宜的立法与规制)中的“家长主义”与“古典自由主义”冲突。奥地利学派提出经济学应该从“均衡分析”转向“均衡是如何达到的市场过程”分析,并将人际预期的彼此协调界定为经济学中心议题,此后“合作秩序”起源与演化成为哈耶克研究的重心,相应地其理论基础转向“群体选择”。关于这一主题的数理建模主要是普莱斯协方差方程,普莱斯方程将个体选择与群体选择置于两个不同层级下分别处理并通过线性相加统一起来,二者构成互补而非排斥关系。多层级选择框架下,人的行为偏好被重新理解为“情景依赖的多偏好叠加态”,即利己、利亲、利他和规则遵循四类偏好依情景调用。个体选择侧重强调基于个体主观判断的自主行动,群体选择侧重强调个体对规则的遵循导致群体性状涌现,我们解释了多层级选择框架下个体选择与群体选择如何共存与演化的事实。


Title:Individual Selection and Group Selection: Controversy and Development

Abstract:The controversy between individual selection and group selection has a long history, and the “conflict” between these two is considered to be reflected in Hayek's methodological individualism and theory of spontaneous order, and this “contradiction” is reflected in the conflict between “paternalism” and “classical liberalism” in the so-called “Hayekian Magic Triangle”(cultural evolution,competition of ideas, legislation and regulation as political expedients). The Austrian School proposed that economics should shift from “equilibrium” analysis to “how the equilibrium is achieved in the market process” analysis and defined the mutual coordination of interpersonal expectations as the central topic of economics. Since then, the origin and evolution of “cooperative order” have become the main part of Hayek's research. and correspondingly, its theoretical foundation shifted to “group selection”. The mathematical modeling on this topic is mainly the Price covariance equation. The Price equation separates individual selection and group selection into two distinct levels that can be separately processed and combined through linear addition, the two constitute a complementary rather than exclusive relationship. In a multilevel selection framework, human behavioral preferences are reinterpreted as a “context-dependent superposition of multiple preferences", that is, four types of preferences self-interest, relative benefit, altruism and rule-following. are invoked according to the situation. Individual selection emphasizes autonomous actions based on individual subjective judgments, while group selection emphasizes that individual adherence to rules leads to the emergence of group traits. We have explained the fact of how individual selection and group selection can coexist and evolve in a multi-level selection framework.

Key Words:Behavioral Hypothesis;Methodological Individualism;Group Selection
