

发布日期:2024-11-08   作者:    浏览次数:









































Title:Social Heterogeneity, Conflict Threats,State Power Structure and Government Size -A Comparative Institutional Analysis from Historical Developments of China and Japan

Abstract:This paper explores the impact of social heterogeneity and conflict threats on the size of government. Social heterogeneity, as an embedded layer in institutional development, manifests in the actual allocation of power, driving the occurrence of internal conflict threats within society and influencing the balance in the design of national institutions,specifically reflected in the choice of the number and size of governments. Based on the logic framework of power distribution and institutional transition in institutional economics and the theoretical model of regional government formation, a comparative historical institutional analysis of Ming and Qing China and Edo Japan is conducted. We demonstrate that social heterogeneity and conflict threats lead countries to choose to establish a greater number of smaller governments. The examination of the civil service examination system and bureaucratic system reveals that social heterogeneity within the Chinese state is lower, whereas under the feudal system in Japan, there is greater social heterogeneity among regions, coupled with a greater internal conflict threat. This results in structural differences in the traditional societal government organizations of China and Japan. This study provides a theoretical explanation and historical evidence for understanding institutional transitions and the formation of governance patterns, offering a new direction for understanding contemporary issues in national governance.

Key Words:social heterogeneity; conflict threats; government size; Ming Qing China; Tokugawa Japan





Title:Military Experience, Discharge Policies and Entrepreneurial Behavior

Abstract:This paper investigates the role of military background on entrepreneurship using two largely nationally representative survey datasets on households and entrepreneurs in China. We find that the choice of entrepreneurship depends upon the length of service. Veterans that have served more than 10 years are more likely to take jobs in the public sector instead of becoming entrepreneurs, while veterans with a short stint in service are more likely to start businesses than non-veterans. Exploiting the variations in military conscription over time to remedy the concern about endogenous choice of military service, we find the overall effect of military service on entrepreneurship is positive. Nascent veteran entrepreneurs are more likely to acquire bank loans, and run larger firms. Our findings are consistent with the predictions of an occupation-choice model: military service shapes the characters of veterans, which are highly relevant for entrepreneurship; Better job opportunities in the public sector for veteran officers mean higher opportunity cost of starting a firm preventing them from becoming entrepreneurs. This paper has profound implications for formulating policies for encouraging entrepreneurship, and evaluating benefit policies for veterans.

Key Words:military service; entrepreneur; entrepreneurship





Title:Regulatory Pressure, Board Independence and the Nature of the Board of Directors: Evidence from Pre-Ipoed Companies

Abstract:Exploiting the unique setting in the National Equities Exchange and Quotations market,and a PSM-DID research design, this study investigates the determinants and consequences of board independence of pre -IPO companies. Our findings reveal the potential regulatory pressure from IPO application is the driving factor for changes in board independence: Within 3 to 4 years after the start of IPO counseling, the board independence of these companies was significantly higher than that of those companies that are not applying for IPO,while before the IPO counseling and 3 to 4 years after the counseling, there was no significant difference in board independence between the two groups of companies. We further provide evidence that several firm characteristics that are better aligned with the requirements of IPO can strengthen the positive association between potential regulatory pressure and board independence. Additionally, we conduct analysis on the independent directors’ voting, the relationship between board independence and IPO approval, and the value effect of independent directors in pre -IPO companies. Our study provides important evidence for the operation of the independent director system in the pre-IPO stage of companies, which has theoretical and practical implications for the modernization of Chinese-style corporate governance.

Key Words:board independence; regulatory pressure pre -IPO companies





Title:The Impact of Community Capacity and Capital Endowment on Farmers’ Participation in Small-scale

Farmland and Water Conservancy Governance

Abstract:Small-scale farmland and water conservancy facilities governance faces the dilemma of collective action, how to promote farmers to participate in small scale farmland and water conservancy facilities governance is very important to ensure food security. Based on micro-survey data of farmers in Hunan and Jiangxi provinces, this paper empirically explores the impact of community ability and capital endowment on the willingness and degree of farmers' participation in small-scale farmland and water conservancy facilities governance by establishing a two-column model. The results show that community capacity can effectively improve the degree of farmers' participation in the governance of small-scale farmland and water conservancy facilities; Capital endowment has a significantly positive impact on the willingness and degree of farmers' participation, and the impact of capital endowment in different dimensions on the willingness and degree of farmers’ participation. Capital endowment plays a positive moderating role in the process that community capacity affects the willingness and degree of farmers to participate in small-scale farmland and water conservancy facilities governance. Heterogeneity analysis shows that community capacity and capital endowment have a greater impact on the governance behavior of farmers in the low degree of farmland fragmentation and plain areas. Based on this, we should pay attention to the capacity building of rural communities, continuously improve the level of capital endowment of farmers, and actively eliminate the constraints of resource endowment to improve the governance level of small-scale farmland and water conservancy facilities.

Key Words:community capacity; endowment of capital; participation of farmers; small-scale farmland and water conservancy facilities governance; two column model





Title:Can Government Big Data Management Institutions Facilitate the Digital Transformation of Enterprises-An Empirical Study Based on Chinese A-share Listed Companies

Abstract:The promotion of digital transformation solely by market forces may confront with problems such as “coordination dysfunction",hence, it is crucial for the government to play the role of the “visible hand" to exert driving effect. Taking a sample of Chinese A-share listed enterprises from 2010 to 2021,this study utilizes the quasi-natural experiment of the establishment of provincial-level government big data management institutions, and adopts a multi-period DID model to investigate its impact on enterprises’ digital transformation. The empirical results indicate that the establishment of provincial-level government big data management institutions significantly promotes the digital transformation of enterprises. This conclusion remains robust after applying series of robustness checks, including parallel trends test,placebo tests,a PSM-DID method,and etc. Mechanism analysis shows that government big data management institutions exert indirect empowerment effects on enterprises’ digital transformation through channels of alleviating financing constraints, reducing financial risks, and enhancing firm value. Heterogeneity analysis suggests that this empowerment effect on enterprises’ digital transformation is scale preferring, technology-orientated,and targets precisely on a certain stage. The conclusions of this study can provide novel theoretical basis and practical reference value for the evaluation of the economic benefits of government big data management institutions and for the policy makings to promote the digital transformation and upgrading of enterprises.

Key Words:government big data management institutions; enterprises’ digital transformation; multi-period DID; empowerment effects





Title:The Pollution Reduction Effect of Vertical Environmental

Management Reform Below the Provincial Level:Evidences from Water Pollution Emissions

Abstract:The handling of the “Tiao Kuai” relationship in the administrative management system is important for the performance of environmental governance. In order to solve the problems of insufficient investment and poor effectiveness in environmental governance by local governments under the territorial management system, the central government has launched a vertical environmental management reform below the provincial level. This article uses water pollution datas to examine the pollution reduction effect of this reform. Research has found that the implementation of reforms has effectively promoted the reduction of water pollution emissions, and the impact on wester provinces and upstream provinces is more significant. Further mechanism examination found that the reform mainly promoting green development and reducing pollution protection. This paper provide a new perspective for improving the environmental governance, and also provide empirical evidence for evaluating the reform of water pollution governance effect.

Key Words: Vertical environmental management reform below the provincial level; pollution reduction effect; water pollution control





Title:Digital Transformation,Financial Regulation and Banking Systemic Risks

Abstract:This paper explores the impact of digital transformation on bank systemic risk and the role played by financial regulatory policies in it. The results show that banks that actively promote digital transformation present a lower level of systemic risk; external financial regulation plays an important role in promoting digital transformation to reduce systemic risk of banks. The heterogeneity study finds that there are differences in the effectiveness of different types of commercial banks in reducing systemic risk in the process of digital transformation: large state-owned banks as well as banks with high ESG scores have more limited systemic risk reduction due to their own stronger risk management capabilities; banks in a highly competitive market environment or with a high proportion of interbank assets significantly reduce their systemic risk through digital transformation by reducing their systemic risk. The study also shows that banks effectively reduce systemic risk by reducing loan concentration through digital transformation. These findings provide empirical support and policy implications for the digital transformation of banking and related financial regulation.

Key Words:digital transformation; commercial banks; financial regulation; systemic risk





Title:Financial Development, Government Regulation and Green “The Belt and Road Initiative”

Abstract:Promoting green development in “the Belt and Road” countries is an inherent requirement to practice the concept of green development and a major measure to achieve global climate and environmental goals. Based on the World Bank's Private Sector Participation in Infrastructure (PPI) database of 622 green PPP projects and mixed cross-section data of 65 “the Belt and Road” countries, the paper uses Probit model and panel fixed effect to study the influencing factors of green development of “the Belt and Road” from the perspective of financial development and government regulation(including scientific and technological level, environmental regulation and government governance ). The results show that the higher the level of financial development and government regulation, the higher the possibility of green PPP project construction. The improvement of financial development and government regulation will also make the private sector more active in participating in green PPP projects, thus driving the increase of private investment. Further, based on the effective construction and measurement of the “five links” index, this paper empirically explores the green effect of the “five links” index. The results show that policy coordination,facilities connectivity,unimpeded trade, financial integration and people-to-people communication all have a positive impact on the green development of “the Belt and Road”. The conclusion confirms the key role of financial development and government regulation in promoting the green development of “the Belt and Road”,and puts forward relevant policy suggestions to promote the green development of “the Belt and Road”.

Key Words:green “the belt and road”; PPP model; financial development; government regulation





Title:The Impact of Targeted Poverty Alleviation Policy on Educational Equity: Evidence fromQuasi -Natural Experiment

Abstract:Can targeted poverty alleviation policy significantly improve the gender and urban-rural education gaps in Chinese families? Based on the data of the China Family Panel Studies(CFPS)from 2012 to 2018,this paper uses a quasi-natural experiment method to analyze the impact and underlying mechanism of targeted poverty alleviation policy on the education level of children from low-income families. The results show that:(1)the targeted poverty alleviation policy has promoted equality in education,increasing the average schooling years of children from poor families by 1.1 months, of which the average schooling years of female children have increased by 3. 1 months.(2) the implementation of targeted poverty alleviation policy affects children's education by increasing the proportion of education expenditure and improving the health status of family members. (3) the policy effect has significant heterogeneity in gender and urban-rural. The above results pass robustness tests like the parallel trend test and Propensity Score Matching (PSM). Based on these findings, we propose the following policy recommendations: further narrow the gap of public services between urban and rural areas and between regions to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation,effectively create more development opportunities for low-income groups, and promote the accumulation of household human capital.

Key Words:targeted poverty alleviation; education equity; diffidence-in-difference gender education gap; urban-rural education gap





Title:Will the Evaluation of Non-Economic Projects Have an Impact on Economic Growth?一Taking the Application of Intangible Cultural Heritage Projects as an Example

Abstract:As a typical representative of the evaluation of projects in non-economic fields, the application of intangible cultural heritage projects has gradually become a powerful means for the government to show its own governance level, but whether it can promote the improvement of regional economic growth has not been deeply investigated. Therefore, by collecting the relevant information of the application of intangible cultural heritage project in 286 Chinese cities since 2006and combining with the data of regional economic development medicator from 2003 to 2020, this paper constructs a difference-difference model of natural experiment based on the application of intangible cultural heritage projects, and the research results are as follows: First, the declaration of intangible cultural heritage projects has a significant positive promoting effect on the quality of regional economic growth. This conclusion has passed the robustness test of variable substitution, sample screening, and excluding the impact of high-speed rail and the national civilized cities. Second, the positive impact of the declaration of intangible cultural heritage projects on the growth quality can be achieved by adjusting the growth quality effect of regional business environment and tourism income. Third, the growth quality effect of intangible cultural heritage project declaration is mainly concentrated in high-income regions and regions with a large stock of intangible cultural heritage projects. The research conclusion of this paper verifies the growth effect of project evaluation in non-economic fields, and also provides reliable practical basis and data support for the inheritance and protection of intangible cultural heritage at the present stage.

Key Words:evaluation of non-economic projects; application of intangible cultural heritage projects; quality of regional economic growth




关键词: 会计;文字起源;语言学理论

Title:An Economist with Sensitive Linguistic Insight and Extraordinary Linguistic Wisdom一The Study Notes about The Hypothesis that Writing Originated from Accounting: On the Dual Origin Theory of Writing and Language

Abstract: Linguistic Economics can be used to guide the language ontology research, and promote linguistic theory research. HUANG Shaoan and HOU Xin explore the origin of words from accounting, which is a pioneering initiative in the academic community, reflected an economist with sensitive linguistic insight and extraordinary linguistic wisdom. Linguistics scholars benefit greatly from studying and contemplating this paper, which can liberate our minds and update our linguistic ideas.

Key Words:accounting; the origin of writing; linguistic theory
